If your committee of owners has made the decision to find a new Manager for your property, firstly you need to check your contract. You need to check when it ends, and what the notice period is. 
Sometimes an OC manager is happy to relinquish a contract before the contract term ends, and then others will expect to be paid out in full.

The next phase is to conduct a full, honest, and transparent search for a new OC Manager that will meet your needs.  In your search you will need to clearly outline your service expectations and be upfront with any problems/defects/challenges at your property.  This will give the prospective Manager an expectation of work involved and therefore the appropriate fees you should be anticipating.

We feel really strongly about this. Whilst you don’t have to attend the AGM, you really should!

You will get more detailed knowledge of the building issues (and the budget!) 

It is the appropriate forum to ask questions, discuss issues and hear the views of other owners, so you can make a group decision with the best information you have at the time. 
If you genuinely can’t make it to the AGM send any questions or concerns to your OC Manager so they can be addressed at the meeting, or consider appointing a proxy to act on your behalf.

We encourage owners to view the label of "OC fees" differently, and instead understand that an OC management fee is separate to costs of services for the general running of the building.

For further clarification, check the building’s budget and minutes from the most recent AGM. It should explain what plans and/or issues were forecast for the coming 12 months and why certain costs were applied.

In a building with services such as a lift, pool, gym, games rooms, theatres, large car parks, ventilation systems, private rubbish removal, fire services etc., these costs are really essential for the running of your site.
Costs may vary between various suppliers so while the work is necessary there might be flexibility by shopping around.

If all your fees seem to be jumbled under one cost centre umbrella, ask the manager to provide a clearer breakdown. As an example, rather than a one line cost centre of “maintenance”, ask for a breakdown of routine cleaning, extra cleaning, scheduled repairs, unforeseen repairs etc.

Depending on your building, some owners are invoiced quarterly, half-yearly or yearly for their OC fees. Some OC’s like to keep these fees as lean as possible and only cover the essential running of the building. From time to time some buildings will vote for more detailed work, such as carpet replacement, painting work, or installation of new equipment. The cost of these projects are often covered by a “Special Levy”, where an additional invoice is issued for each Lot’s portion of the work. 

The other reason for a Special Levy is the immediacy of the income. If you pass a budget with an additional $400 per Lot for programmed work, but the invoice schedule is quarterly (so an additional $100 x four invoices), it’s another 12 months before the OC has raised enough funds to complete that project. But if a Special Levy is raised, that money can be collected within the invoice terms of the Special Levy, and thus work can be completed much faster.

Think of the apartment building or development like a residential street map. Each block of land is its own “lot”. Now some would argue that a development with 10 properties (or 10 lots) should have their OC fees split 10 ways. Not always!

Depending on the Strata Plan (a plan developed at the property’s inception), they may be split depending on the size of the lot. As an example, a three bedroom apartment will likely have a higher Lot Liability (and thus higher fees) than a one bedroom apartment next door.

You should receive the meeting minutes within 14 days of the AGM being held. If there was no quorum (less than 50% of owners present) you have 30 days to contact your OC Manager and put your case forward. This includes complaints against practical decisions that have been made (to cut/increase services) and financial decisions (to cut/increase fees). If you don’t lodge this within 30 days you have lost the ability to challenge the decision.

We believe really strongly in attending AGM's. If you can’t make it, ask a question in advance or appoint a Proxy.  It’s your responsibility to have a detailed read of the minutes and the budget, and be proactive in decisions.

In a perfect world, all owners would attend an AGM. 
A vote will take place to pass the budget, or agree to works that are required at the property for example, and due to having a quorum (50% of financial Owners attending), this can proceed. 
In the case of there not being a quorum, the Minutes will be distributed within 14 days of the AGM, and if there are no objections to any vote held at the AGM within 30 days of the issuing of those minutes, the vote held at the AGM stands. 

We can't give you specific insurance advice, but as a general rule, if you are an owner-occupier or a tenant we advise you to get contents insurance.  The OC will probably have building insurance that covers the structure/common area/fixtures & fittings, and you'll need insurance for your personal belongings.

If you lease out your apartment out, we recommend you get Landlord Insurance, which usually covers some very basic contents and potential damage or loss by a tenant.

At the outset, contact your OC Manager.
There may be rules regarding changes to the property, and it is courtesy to advise the OC and the Building Manager. Noise travels! Many Building Managers have the forum to communicate with all residents to give them the heads up of potential noise. Your trades should take their rubbish with them, too. Construction rubbish shouldn’t be put in OC bins. 


If you have found a new Property Manager, confirm that they are ready to take on your property so they can hit the ground running. Then contact your current Property Manager and advise them of your intention to move. They will need to advise the Residential Tenancy Bond Authority and provide a complete handover of previous inspection reports, contact details, outstanding maintenance, photos, applications, keys, and anything the new manager needs to be aware of.  It is courtesy for the former Property Manager to advise the tenant of their departure and the details of the incoming agency. 

Landlords in Victoria were expected to meet the new standards by March 2021. The standards have been controversial and there are arguments each way regarding the necessity of them. What we like to remind owners of, is that whilst their property may be up to scratch without the official tick, there are many properties out there not up to scratch. And often, these properties are tenanted to vulnerable members of the community who don’t feel that they can speak up over basic concerns, out of fear of being evicted or not being offered a lease renewal. By officially raising the bar of what is safe, secure and acceptable, our sector can work towards providing better quality housing to all tenants.  

Every Real Estate Office is different with some distributing monthly, bimonthly, weekly, or perhaps on some set day of each month.
We disburse rental income as we receive it - the rent comes in, expenses & trades are paid, and the balance heads straight to your bank account.

We are more than happy to do this for you, and at no extra charge.  
To setup we will ask you to provide a quick authority and we'll have these invoices redirected to us from the issuing authorities. 

We can't give specific insurance advice.
But as a general rule, there are a couple of types of insurance you should be thinking about buying. 
For a property owner we recommend you consider a home/contents insurance which covers the physical building structure and some fixtures & fittings.  Another priority is Landlord Insurance which covers tenant issues (damage, unpaid rent, abandoned goods).


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